Since the initial concept of the house, we intended to preserve
the natural vegetation. After construction, the rock plants and veld grasses
growing naturally needs to be rehabilitated. The planted balcony on the
northern side will also continue the concept and allow natural grasses to be
integrated into the house façade.
We invited an ecologist to assist us in identifying the
species of vegetation in our area and on our site. She is assisting us in
developing this ecological garden. The nature reserve provides us with a rich
seed bank and even during the harsh construction period some natural trees has
established roots in our garden.
To give our garden a head start, we selected a few species
to plant. Now we need to wait and see what nature allows.
Aristida junciformis – Bristel Grass Themeda
triandra – Red Grass
Melinis nerviglumis – Bristle-Leaved red top Ochna
pulchra – Lekkerbreek